Love Letters

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Love Letters is a suite of performative video letters addressed to people close to the artist, reflecting on the desire for home, the politics of homemaking and housecleaning, and the ecology of the home. The first letter, Dirt is Beautiful, examines associations with dirt and the kinds of objects or conditions that arouse feelings of disgust. The video begins after the performer steps in front of the screen wearing a pink apron on which the word, "Neighbor," is embroidered. She then flips the apron to her back and gets down on hands and knees to crawl towards the audience, spitting and scrubbing the floor as she goes. She continues to spit and scrub throughout the video, making her way between the aisles. Video can be viewed here:

The second letter, called Home Work, explores the gender politics of housework. In the performance, handfuls of dried lavendar are gently tossed over the audience. One performer dressed in coveralls goes about cleaning petals off of the audience with rolled up packing tape, then sweeps up the rest. The other performer, Ju-Pong, sits in a rocker to rest from all the spitting and cleaning of the previous piece, and crochets while watching/reading the letter with the audience. Video can be viewed here: